I will graduate from UC before from RULE. In this final term, I still have five courses remaining. I have to take two English courses including Introduction to Linguistics and Practical Language in Use II. It’s going to be a very exhausting term in which I have to deal with several assignments that I have never done before. Recently I’ve started writing a research paper under the topic of ‘Effects of the Creation of Securities Market’. This research paper was assigned by Teacher In Sophal who teaches me PUB101 in this final term. There is another assignment under the topic of Language given by Ms. Davy. The latter one has been done at all. In addition to these two assignments, there are two more given by lecturers at RULE. The load of assignments is very heavy in this term.
However, I believe I will be able to pass through all of these obstacles and successfully and satisfactorily finish the courses. After UC’s graduation, I will fully concentrate on thesis writing for the accounting degree. This is a great challenge for me. It will also be a great turning point for me to change from a merely student life to a real life in the society.